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Conditions & Services / Hypertension

Cardiologists & Vascular Specialists located in Dallas Fort Worth and the North Texas Region


About Hypertension

Hypertension or high blood pressure affects the arteries throughout your body, while pulmonary hypertension develops in the arteries serving your lungs. Both are chronic, incurable, and require ongoing hypertension management from the exceptional providers at HeartPlace. The team provides comprehensive care that slows down progressive arterial disease, supports maximum cardiovascular health, and gives you the best possible quality of life. If you want to have your blood pressure screened or need ongoing hypertension management, call one of the 30 HeartPlace offices located across North Texas or schedule an appointment online today.

Hypertension Q & A

What causes hypertension?

Hypertension develops over time due to lifestyle factors, including:

  • Being overweight or obese
  • Not getting enough exercise
  • Consuming too much salt
  • Smoking cigarettes
  • Drinking too much alcohol
  • Living with daily stress

Though not as common, underlying health conditions such as chronic kidney disease and obstructive sleep apnea can lead to hypertension.

How does hypertension affect my health?

Hypertension damages your arteries, leaving rough areas that make it easy for cholesterol to attach to the wall. As a result, over time, the fatty plaque enlarges and hardens. This condition, called atherosclerosis, causes:

  • Coronary artery disease
  • Peripheral artery disease
  • Carotid artery disease
  • Abdominal aortic aneurysms
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Heart failure

The longer hypertension goes untreated, the higher your risk of having a stroke or heart attack.

What is pulmonary hypertension?

Pulmonary hypertension occurs when you have high blood pressure in the vessels serving your lungs. You can develop different types of pulmonary hypertension from many possible causes. The most common type, pulmonary venous hypertension, occurs when you have heart disease on the left side of your heart.

Another type, pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), happens when the arteries in your lungs stiffen and tighten. As a result, the right side of your heart works harder to force blood through the narrowed arteries. Over time, the heart enlarges, affecting its ability to pump blood into your body and leading to heart failure.

What symptoms indicate I need hypertension management?

Hypertension seldom causes symptoms. When the arteries become significantly blocked, you feel pain in your legs, arms, or chest. However, the first sign often appears as a heart attack, stroke, or pulmonary embolism.

Pulmonary hypertension also develops gradually over time. Eventually, it causes symptoms such as:

  • Chest pain
  • Cough
  • Hoarseness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dizziness
  • Fainting
  • Fatigue
  • Wheezing
  • Racing heart or palpitation
  • Swelling of your ankles, legs, and abdomen

The swelling occurs from edema, which is a buildup of fluids.

What type of hypertension management will I need?

Hypertension management refers to a long-term treatment plan to improve your circulation and maintain optimal health in your heart and arteries. 

Your HeartPlace provider develops a management plan that includes treating any underlying conditions, lifestyle changes, and medications to treat hypertension, PAH, and other types of pulmonary hypertension.

In the early stages of hypertension, following a heart-healthy diet and getting more exercise can prevent the disease or stop its progression. However, lifestyle changes help to improve the health of your heart and blood vessels at every stage of hypertension.

To get a risk assessment and have your blood pressure screened, call HeartPlace or book an appointment online today.