You may develop a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) from sluggish or static blood flow in your legs, usually when sitting for long periods during travel or when you're bed-bound because of a medical condition. A DVT can lead to a life-threatening issue and require care from the vascular experts at HeartPlace, which has 30 locations across North Texas. To manage your DVT, call the office nearest you or schedule an appointment online today.
A deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot that forms in a deep vein in your leg or arm. These blood clots most often occur when there’s a decrease in circulation because of prolonged sitting or lying down.
Though not as common, you may also develop a DVT if you have a genetic blood-clotting disorder or take hormonal birth control. A DVT may also develop following orthopedic surgery.
Signs and symptoms of a DVT vary depending on the size and location of your blood clots. Symptoms may include:
Not everyone with a DVT develops symptoms.
Though a DVT alone isn’t a serious health concern, if the blood clots break free from your vein, it may travel to your pulmonary artery, causing a pulmonary embolism.
A pulmonary embolism is a life-threatening condition that blocks the flow of oxygen-rich blood to your lungs and all the organs in your body. Chest pain and shortness of breath are common symptoms of a pulmonary embolism.
Call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room if you have these symptoms.
The vascular experts at HeartPlace diagnose DVTs after a physical exam and venous ultrasound. During the exam, they review your symptoms and medical history and perform a physical.
They may also perform a venous ultrasound, using sound wave technology to evaluate the blood flow through your veins to locate the blood clot and determine its size.
HeartPlace customizes DVT treatment based on the location and size of your blood clot. If your blood clot is small and located in a small vein below your knee, your provider may just prescribe blood thinners.
For larger clots in large veins above the knee, your provider may recommend a minimally invasive procedure to dissolve them.
If you’re prone to blood clots, HeartPlace may recommend the placement of an inferior vena cava (IVC) filter, which stops blood clots from reaching your pulmonary artery.
Find out more about your DVT treatment options by calling HeartPlace or scheduling a consultation online today.